Dive Booking

Dive Booking User's Manual

Settings ‣ Custom fields

The Dive Booking web application allows you to create custom fields for Customers and Instructors to use in the booking forms for daytrips, liveaboards, dive courses and accommodations.

For example knowing if and when your customers or staffs have been vaccinated for Covid-19 might be useful if not mandatory.

The Dive Booking web application gives you the opportunity to create five custom fields for booking, ten custom fields for customers and instructors and dive masters.

Enter a field name and tick the box if this field will be a checkbox. Repeat the operation for the five booking custom fields.

Now look at the customer's part of custom fields:

Enter a field name and tick the box if this field will be a checkbox. Repeat the operation for the ten custom fields.

When needed, link a customer's custom field to a booking custom field. Then when you start to record a booking for a customer, custom fields will automatically been filled with the corresponding value of the customer.

Do the same for the Instructors & DM custom fields:
