Dive Booking

Dive Booking User's Manual


The Dive Booking dashboard is divided in three partsĀ : Monthly Incomes, Monthly Costs and Monthly Margins and displays totals for the current month and the two previous months.

Monthly Sales:

You get there the total of incomes for daytrips, liveaboards, courses and hotels already invoiced. Items not invoiced are not taken into account. You can see total of diving amounts and the repartition between daytrips, liveaboards, courses and accommodations as well as the total of rental equipment and pickups that have been charged to direct customers and partners.

You also see the increase or decrease percentage compared to the previous month.

Monthly Costs:

You get there the total of the costs for daytrips, liveaboards, courses and hotels already invoiced. Items not invoiced are not taken into account. You can see total of diving costs and the repartition between daytrips, liveaboards, courses and accommodations as well as the total cost of rental equipment and pickups that have been charged to direct customers and partners.

You also see the increase or decrease percentage compared to the previous month.

Monthly Margins:

You get there the total of the marhins for daytrips, liveaboards, courses and hotels already invoiced. Items not invoiced are not taken into account. You can see total of diving margins and the repartition between daytrips, liveaboards, courses and accommodations as well as the margins for rental equipment and pickups that have been charged to direct customers and partners.

You also see the increase or decrease percentage compared to the previous month.
