Dive Booking

Dive Booking User's Manual

Bookings ‣ Liveaboards ‣ Close a Liveaboard

When all pax are recorded, it's time to close the liveaboard booking.

Click the Lock icon and the system will update the list to:

From there you can:

Click this icon to review your pax details.
Re-open the liveaboard if you need to add or update pax details.
Click this icon to print the Tour Leader list. Only available when a liveaboard is closed.
Click this icon to print the Divers list. Only available when a liveaboard is closed.
Click this icon to print the needed Equipment list. Only available when a liveaboard is closed.
Click this icon to manage the pickups. Only available when a liveaboard is closed.
Refer to the section Booking ► Pickups
Click this icon to send an email request to your partner with all pax details. This icon will not appear if the liveaboard is run by yourselves.
Click this icon to send a cancellation email to your partner following a previous email request