Dive Booking

Dive Booking User's Manual

Bookings ‣ Liveaboards ‣ Charterized Liveaboard

If you charterize a liveaboard, one customer will have to pay the whole price. The system will let you select who is the paying customer.

And when you select a direct customer or pax, under the name appears a checkbox This pax pays for the trip.

The box will be automatically checked when you add a new customer or pax as long as no customer or pax is set to pay for the trip.

You can edit the pax later to select which one has to pay for the trip.

The paying customer or pax in a charterized liveaboard can be quickly recognized in the customers list with a 'P' added to the type column.

Note than you will not be able to close a charterized liveaboard if no customer or pax is selected to pay for the trip.
